GSE353 Home Smart Home

Photo by Lexi T on Unsplash

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On episode 353 of Geekiest Show Ever, we discuss how we’ve been hacking our way through this pandemic. Follow us for additional tips and conversation on Twitter @GeekiestShow

Elisa and I discuss the merits of using the word ‘hacker’ to describe someone who does something good with technology superpowers. Here is an article written by Chris Williams of The Register that examines the etymology in depth and where it might end up in our lexicons: So it appears some of you really don’t want us to use the word ‘hacker’ when we really mean ‘criminal’

Terrible UI Prize Goes to Vaccine Registration Sites

COVID-19 Vaccine appointment scheduling has been frustrating to say the least, but we are finally starting to feel like we’re making some progress. Elisa has flexed her online ticket-ordering muscles and now has appointments down and underway! I finally managed to get an appointment for one family member and now I must wait my turn.

iPhoneography Tip

If you put a Pop-Socket on your iPhone 12 mini case, beware of flash flare. Mine has a white border around its edge. I noticed this back in December when I took some night shots of my Christmas tree and had to remove the Pop-Socket disc to avoid the white flare that showed up in my photos. Get one that has a black edge or run a marker around it to reduce glare.

Reminders App Troubleshooting & Tips

There was recently an update to watchOS and I was disappointed to find that after the update, my problem still persisted when it came to adding personal reminders using Siri on my Apple Watch. When I raise my wrist, it was STILL adding it to my shared Home list instead of my default Reminders list. It just kept frustrating me, so I decided that I would try one more time to see if I could reset the default list by disabling iCloud and unpairing then repairing my Apple Watch. I had tried it once before and it at least changed the default list on my Apple Watch from one of my shared lists to another of my shared lists, so I thought maybe I might get lucky and it turns out that I did.

On my iPhone, first I made a manual iCloud backup. Then I took a deep breath and disabled iCloud just for Reminders. iOS asks if you want to keep or delete a copy of the Reminders on your iPhone so I took another deep breath and tapped delete. Next, I unpaired my Apple Watch, powered both devices off and then re-paired my Apple Watch. When that was complete, I re-enabled iCloud Reminders on my iPhone. Once I flipped the switch back on for Reminders in iCloud, all of my reminders came back onto my iPhone and then eventually they came back on my Apple Watch as well. I wrestled with one or two new lists that got added that were duplicates, but eventually I got it ironed out. Prior to rebooting, I also disabled then re-enabled Siri after erasing Siri history in there for good measure. My Apple Watch is finally back to the exhibiting the expected behavior of putting a personal reminder on my Reminders list as default.

Reminders Tip: Add a Reminder from Another App

Prior to going through that process, I thought I might see if Apple had any new instructions about this issue. While I was researching, I discovered that they recently updated their Help Topic article on March 6, 2021 entitled “Use Reminders on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.” There is a new feature explained near the bottom that tells you how to make a new reminder directly from something else in another app. I never thought to try this before, but I’ve always wanted to because so many times I’ve received a text, usually from a client, and I read it, but then didn’t have time to respond so I end up manually making a reminder the long way so that I don’t forget to reply. Most times I just don’t tap the message and leave the dot there so I know to go back and read it, but then the unread dot makes me feel anxious so then I have to tap it! My teenager taught me that you can long-press on a text to preview what it says without marking it as read, so I may try and train my muscle memory to do that more often. For now, I’m really happy with saying, “Remind me about this in an hour” while looking at the text I can’t yet respond to and hope that it will lessen some FOMO. Here is the link to the article:

Home Smart Home

Smart Life app:

I am so proud of the geekery I pulled off last week! I now have the pleasure of citing Siri incantations to perform spells that control the brightness of our living room lamps. At night we now can say “Hey Siri, Living Room Off!” It’s quite fun.

I just have to say that I can not believe there isn’t already an embroidered pillow out there that says “Home Smart Home” on it! Shouldn’t that be a thing?

What I learned through the process of setting up these “spells” is that if you do not craft your incantations to be short, simple, and easy to say, you probably just won’t use them and you might even annoy a spouse in the process. I was trying to make a distinction between bright lights and dim lights when I created mine, but what I really needed was a simple on, off and then another variation. Here are screenshots of the modification I made to the “incantation” we must now speak to make them work the way we like.

Check the Apple Security Updates page to see if your Apple gear is up to date.

Do you have questions about what you heard in this episode? Please send us your feedback. We’d like to hear from you. Let us know about a tech topic that interests you.

Elisa can be found at @senseidai or
Melissa can be found at @TheMacMommy or

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GSE352 Bug Report

Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

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On episode 352 of Geekiest Show Ever, we discuss some of the troubleshooting experiences we’ve had over the past several weeks to keep our technology mostly working for us and not so much the other way around. We discuss the methods we use with our password manager to create new accounts more efficiently, how to deal with Keychain or web browser password saving conflicts, and more. Melissa files a bug report with Apple! Follow us for additional tips and conversation on Twitter @GeekiestShow


Use a password manager to pre-populate the fields on a web form

Instead of just filling out the fields on a website form then trying to take notes later, why not START by PRE-populating the fields in your password manager? This way, as you’re filling out the fields you can copy and paste and it will cut down on errors in data entry.

Elisa recommends using a clipboard manager for storing information to copy and paste. This makes data entry easier and more efficient, too. She also recommends using the password generator tool to help you come up with goofy answers to password reset or security questions. Remember, it doesn’t have to be the CORRECT answer, but “Aluminum-Foil ™” is already taken. 🙂

Here is a screenshot that shows the website form fields you need to fill out when creating a new “mySocial Security” account online. We’ll use this as an example because it’s one of the websites that has created a lot of friction for people when they try to sign up. It has a lot of parts to it. You need to pick: a username, password, three password reset questions, and three answers to those questions. That’s eight pieces of unique information in one go! On top of it, the password you pick must meet a specific criteria which they list in the instructions, but if you’re filling out the form and you make a mistake, you might have to start over in an area or you might forget what questions and answers you chose. It can be frustrating if you do not document everything in a safe and accessible place right away.


You could use this method for pre-populating the login entry in your password manager ahead of time. Here is a screenshot of what it might look like in 1Password:

Foam ear tip replacements for AirPods Pro are really helping to reduce ear fatigue. I forget I have them in my ears when I have the foam tips on. Phone calls are soooo much better now. I don’t dread making phone calls nearly as much as I used to. Now, if only I could get better battery life! Since I forget I’m wearing them, the battery drains more quickly. I have gotten better about putting them back into the case to charge, but it’s a habit one has to learn.

Network Issues

Elisa’s Internet Connectivity Experience

Internet speed and consistency is a problem we all deal with from time to time. After rebooting your computer and trying some troubleshooting techniques like booting into Safe Mode, if the problem still persists, it might be worth taking a look at your modem or router. If it’s more than a few years old, it might be time to replace it. If your ISP supplies the hardware, get the speeds you pay for by keeping your equipment up to date.

Hardware Issues

Melissa’s AirPods Pro Replacement Experience

My beloved AirPods Pro ended up being a lemon, sadly. The good news is that it was really easy to get them replaced by Apple under warranty with their DIY exchange program. I purchased them back in November of 2020. First there was a case ID support ticket generated where we triaged the issue over the phone. It was determined that a replacement was in order. They put a hold on my Apple Card and sent me the two replacement parts. I put the defective parts into the boxes and shipped them back and they released the hold on my Apple Card. The whole process took only a few days from start to finish. One of the troubleshooting suggestions was to see if I could locate another set of AirPods Pro to test, but that proved futile. After a doctor appointment, since I was already out of the house, I stopped by our local Authorized Apple Repair place as well as a Best Buy, but neither had a spare AirPods Pro set they could use to help me rule out whether it was the case or just the AirPod for the left ear. When I called Apple back and told them, they initiated a replacement by mail. I could have skipped this part altogether, but I was really curious about what a test might reveal. All told, I was only without my AirPods Pro for about a week and I’m happy to have them working again. I really, really missed them while I couldn’t use them. If this happens to you, it might help to know what options you have.

Troubleshooting Siri with Reminders app issue on Apple Watch Experience

It used to be that whenever I’d raise my wrist then speak the phrase, “Remind me to check the washer in 15 minutes,” Siri would tell me she’d gotten it and the reminder would go automatically to my “Reminders” list because that’s the list I have set as my default list. I used that feature all the time until one day, when I glanced at my watch, I noticed that the reminder I’d just set was being put onto a “Finance” list that I share with my husband. I thought, “This is wrong, I don’t want him getting MY reminders showing up on his Apple Watch or iPhone while he’s trying to conduct classes. How annoying!” (I use Reminders a lot.) So, down the rabbit hole I went trying to document the issue and discovered it somehow became a bug since the last watchOS update. I was able to get the issue escalated to Apple’s Engineering department. It was actually fun talking to one of the Engineers and to see the diagnostic process that’s involved in logging the issue with them. Still no solution, but I’m happy to know it wasn’t something I was neglecting to do. I’ll report back if the problem gets fixed in a future update.

Do you have questions about what you heard in this episode? Please send us your feedback. We’d like to hear from you. Let us know about a tech topic that interests you.

Elisa can be found at @senseidai or
Melissa can be found at @TheMacMommy or

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GSE351 Locked Down

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

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Hacking and scamming incidents are on the rise. It’s a sad fact of pandemic life now, but on episode 351 of Geekiest Show Ever, we’re here to tell you that you can take back some control if you know what to look out for and how to implement best practices. We believe that online security should be a regular part of our overall well-being. It’s why we so frequently discuss security issues and using password managers. Tune in to hear us share our field experience for ways to help your loved ones become safer in our digitally connected world. Follow us for additional tips and conversation on Twitter @GeekiestShow

App Pick

Miele-LXI‪V is a free DICOM viewer for looking at images like MRI or Xray on your computer. Your doctor will either give you a disc or a way to get the images onto your computer, but if the program they provide is not compatible, this is a good alternative. (Mac App Store link) (developer website)

Security PSA

Check in with your loved one and have a conversation about their computer use and habits. Ask them to look at the programs installed on their devices and then ask if any of them look unfamiliar. Another good question to ask is if they have ever gotten “assistance” over the computer remotely by someone they didn’t know well who told them they could help them get money back. It’s an important conversation to have because sometimes the person feels embarrassed and won’t mention it. There are so many remote conferencing apps we use now for managing life in a pandemic. While these apps are really helpful and do serve a legitimate purpose, they can be used to exploit us during our most vulnerable times.

Think about the patterns that most phishing scams follow: a claim is made that convinces you to act because your money is in jeopardy or there is some information about you that has been revealed and you’re urged to check it out. They are targeting us in areas where we feel the most vulnerable: financial security and reputation. Many times those go hand in hand. The hacker will claim that you’ve been hacked and they are there to rescue you when they are actually the hacker!

1Password Families Review

Both Elisa and I have now converted our 1Password single licenses to the 1Password Families subscription service. We discuss how we got set up and how we’re using it with our families.



If you’re using 1Password for Families with young children or older loved ones who are not yet digitally literate, consider setting up a shared vault with their name on it for them and then make that their default vault in the 1Password app Preferences. To set it up this way, click the Vaults tab in 1Password Preferences then look for the setting that says “Always open to” and change it from Private to their [Name] vault. Where it says “Show in All Vaults” uncheck the Private vault and be sure their [Name] vault is checked. This is where you can also check (enable) the vault that is shared by default with all the members of your family for passwords you want everyone to have access to. If you share your Netflix login, for example, that would be saved and synced in the default Shared vault. Then where it says “Vault for Saving” change that from Private to their [Name] vault. Now, each time your child or family member saves a new password, it will be saved in their [Name] vault and you will also have access to it. If they need help populating the fields, you can make those changes or corrections and it will be synced to their device from yours. Many times in the beginning, people forget to change the signup URL to the login URL and then wonder why they keep ending up on a page that asks them to create a new account. It’s understandably confusing! Because you’ll have access to their vault, you could locate the correct URL and then enter it for them from your own device. Sharing vaults like this is helpful for those of us who are tasked with being the family’s Digital Executor.


Be sure to print out your 1Password Emergency kits, but before you do, consider annotating the PDF to include the Master Password. Use a monospace font like Courier (which is available on most systems) that will make the letters and numbers a bit easier to read. Make the text super large so that there’s no mistake reading what needs to be entered when it’s required.


Whenever you’re enrolling into an online account for the first time and they ask you to pick security questions, make up silly answers to store in your password manager! They do NOT need to be correct and it’s even safer if they are harder to guess because your mother’s maiden name is not a hard fact to find out.

Do you have questions about what you heard in this episode? Please send us your feedback. We’d like to hear from you. Let us know about a tech topic that interests you.

Elisa can be found at @senseidai or
Melissa can be found at @TheMacMommy or

Audio Link

GSE350 Is This Guy On Again?

Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Our podcast neighbor from the MyMac Podcasting Network, Guy Serle, is our guest for episode 350 of Geekiest Show Ever. He will educate us about the value of good recording hardware and best practices. Follow us for additional tips and conversation on Twitter @GeekiestShow.

Here are Guy’s notes:

Important Things to Remember About Audio – continued

  1. What kind of connectors do microphones have?
    1. Most common will be XLR. That’s the big round 3 pin connector used to connect to most audio interfaces or mixers
    2. USB. A lot of people use microphones with a USB connector and they can be either dynamic or condenser microphones. They all have a built-in pre-amp powered through the USB connection to your computer and can be a great, easy to use, stand-alone device. The Audio Technica ATR2100-USB is probably one of the best known examples and the newest one (ATR2100-X) uses USB-C instead of mini-USB that was used in the past. Also Blue Microphones make many USB condenser mics like the Yeti or Snowball.
    3. 3.5mm or 6.2mm TRS connector. Don’t use or buy this.
  2. Find the quietest part of the house possible to record in. People with children will understand that this is a mythical place that doesn’t really exist and if it did there would probably be fire breathing dragons too.
  3. Record with the least amount of filters and effects. Those you CAN add in post and not stress out your DAW or recording software.
  4. Before buying a microphone, think about what you want to use it for AND (maybe more importantly) where you’ll be using it. I never follow this advice and buy microphones that I think will sound good…even if I never actually use them.
  5. Oddly enough, people will watch bad video with good audio over good video with bad audio.
  6. Learn how to use a noise gate for condenser (also dynamic) microphones.
  7. Other gear
    1. Audio Interfaces
      1. This is what connects your microphone to other stuff. Except for USB Mics, every mic worth having (remember don’t buy a Mic with a 3.5mm cable. They’re junk) will need to go through some kind of interface. These provide Phantom Power in most cases, a gain knob per input which will typically be an XLR jack. Maybe a -10dB or so pad (if connecting musical instruments like Guitars). I like the Behringer UMC line (22/202/204/404) with their Midas pre-amps.

    2. Cables
      1. XLR cables, typically male to female, come in many different lengths. Because the distance from the microphone to the interface is usually less than 6-10 feet, you don’t need to go out and buy gold-plated Monster cables. Nearly any decent shielded XLR cable will be fine.

    3. Mounts
      1. Desk mount – A lot of mics include them and they’re mostly junk. Any vibrations or bumps go directly into your recording
      2. Boom Arm – NOW we’re talking. Isolates the mic (especially with a shock mount) from your desk and allows you to move the mic closer to you instead of you hunched over for a better position.

    4. Mixers
      1. A lot of different companies make audio mixers and it’s probably too broad a subject to go into too deeply here, but look at reviews for ones with good, well regarded pre-amps. I’ve used Behringer Mixers and don’t like them as the Xenyx pre-amps are not good. Yamaha and Mackie are probably two of the most common that people use and are well-regarded. I currently have a Yamaha mixer, but I would love to get one of the Mackie ones that have Channel Inserts in their chain for adding additional audio gear like better pre-amps and compressors.

    5. In Line amplifiers
      1. This is only used with XLR dynamic mics and Ribbon mics. In essence, a small device put in series with the microphone and interface that adds around 25dBs of clean gain so the mixer or interface doesn’t have to have their gain turned up so high. Less noise because of it. Cloudlifters are reliable as are Triton’s Fetheads

    6. Headphones
      1. I talked so much about microphones that I forgot about the other really important bit which is how do you listen to what you’re recording? I’ve been very happy with Audio Technica’s ATH line as well as Sennheiser’s HD-280 Pro I had. I’m currently using the Sony MDR-7506 based on Tim Robertson’s recommendation and they’re very good.

  8. Microphone pics
    1. Under $50
      1. Behringer’s BA-85A at around $25
      2. Neewer NW-040 $29
      3. Behringer’s XM-8500 around $20
      4. Shure PGA48 around $40
    2. $50-100
      1. Behringer’s SB 78A $55
      2. Audio Technica ATR2100-USB or 2005-USB Price varies between $60-$90
      3. Samson Q2U $70
      4. Shure SM58 $99
      5. Sennheiser E835 $99
      6. Rode Podmic $99
    3. $100 and up
      1. Rode M2 $140
      2. Rode Podcaster USB $230
      3. Heil PR40 $325

Check out more of Guy’s content at
Twitter: @Macparrot or @vertshark
Patreon, Ko-fi, or all with /macparrot
Guy’s Podcasts: MyMac Podcast, Mac to the Future Livecast: Wednesday at 8PM EST on Facebook, and the weirdly wonderful Guy’s Daily Drive

Check the Apple Security Updates page to see if your Apple gear is up to date.

Elisa can be found at @senseidai or
Melissa can be found at @TheMacMommy or

Audio Link

GSE349 Is This Guy On?

Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Our podcast neighbor from the MyMac Podcasting Network, Guy Serle, is our guest for episode 349 of Geekiest Show Ever. He will educate us about the value of good recording hardware and best practices. Follow us for additional tips and conversation on Twitter @GeekiestShow.

Here are Guy’s notes:

Important Things to Remember About Audio

  1. Garbage in, garbage out. You can’t fix bad audio “in post.”
  2. Each person’s voice is different and no microphone is “one size fits all.”
  3. What the hell do all those specs mean? It can be bewildering, but let’s try to take some of the mystery out of it by using the specs of pretty much the industry standard microphone, the Shure SM58. It’s a dynamic mic which we’ll talk more about later.
    • Frequency Response (SM58 – 50Hz-15kHz)
      • Most microphones frequency response falls into a range of 20Hz to 20kHz though some manufacturers like to brag about ridiculous ranges like 10Hz to 25kHz. The reason why that doesn’t matter is because nearly no humans can hear outside the 20Hz to 20kHz range. There is some variation based on how far away you are and what direction you speak into a microphone, but the variance “typically” doesn’t matter as long as you are close to zero axis or speaking directly into the capsule of the microphone.
    • Sensitivity (SM58 – -54.5 dBV / Pa (1.88 mV)
      • I read up on this and apparently you need a degree in the University of Made-Up words to understand it. It involves voltage, impedance, Pascals, and sound pressure when speaking into a microphone. I think someone created fuzzy math just so Sound Engineers can put their hands on the chin and nod as someone says things about it so they don’t look stupid.
    • Noise Levels (SM58 – less than 5dB)
      • The equivalent noise states the self-noise of the microphone either as an A-weighted RMS-level or as an ITU-weighted peak-level….
      • Got that? Me neither. The take away is the lower the noise level pretty much is better across the board.
  4. Distortion
    • Distortion is bad. Total Harmonic Distortion should be under 1%
  5. Max SPL or Sound Pressure Level – (SM58 – 94dB SPL)
    • Sound above 150dB can be very painful to human ears. Large jets taking off generate about 100-120dBs of noise (hopefully less than 80dBs in the cabin) and for some reason microphone makers test their mics at these kinds of levels. MaxSPL is a rating of how loud a sound can you put into a microphone with it distorting. Larger the number the better I guess though if your recording sounds above 150dBs the bigger question is why?
  6. Rated Output Impedance (SM58 – 150 Ohms)
    • Nearly all professional-grade studio/live microphones are designed with low output impedances. Professional preamplifiers are typically designed with high enough input impedances to obey the 10x rule of thumb. So the best preamp for the Shure SM58 would be one with an input impedance of around 1500Ohms. There’s really no way for the average person to figure all that out so audio interface and mixer makers do that for you. Basically the lower the impedance USUALLY is better…but not always.
  7. Try not to use one microphone with two people using some kind of 360 degree polar pattern. You have no idea where that other person’s voice has been. Also look at point 2. It’s very hard to adjust one microphone for two different voices. If there’s going to be two people recording, get another microphone.
  8. Understand the differences between the various polar patterns and why they exist.
    • Cardioid which is more sensitive in the front and less on the sides. It should reject almost all sound from behind. If you look at the pattern in looks much like a butt. For a single mic user, this should be the pattern you use. There are also variations that tighten or loosen the pattern, but they do much the same thing.
      • Super or hyper cardioid which has much more focus on the front of the mic with more rejection on the sides and less in the back. This can be good or bad depending on the mic as that rejection may also remove qualities of your own voice that you like.
      • Wide Cardioid which as the name states has a slightly wider front facing pattern. Good for micing up a group of people singing.
    • Omnidirectional. This is not a Batman villain, but a polar pattern that tries to be equally sensitive all the way around the microphone. I have never found a practical use for this pattern myself, but this is what some use to record more than one person.
    • Figure 8 is a polar pattern that has a high front and back sensitive range while rejecting sound from the sides. Good for two people recording that are facing each other which unless you have to is a terrible way to record.
  9. USB is not a type of microphone!
  10. Know the differences between a Condenser and Dynamic Microphone
    • Condenser microphones are much more sensitive than dynamic microphones.
    • Condenser microphone will pick up the sound of a fly fart. OK, not really true, but they do pick up keyboard noise, external fan noise, air conditioners, chair squeaks, table bumps, kids yelling…outside your house…on the next street, and so on.
    • Condenser microphones ALWAYS require some kind of power.
    • If a condenser microphones attaches via a 3.5mm (like a headphone connector) jack, don’t buy it.
    • Don’t buy ANY microphone that attaches via a 3.5mm jack.
    • Dynamic microphones need a LOT of gain.
    • Dynamic microphones “typically” have better background noise rejection than condenser microphones which is why most live events are done with dynamic microphone.
  11. What is Phantom Power and why do I care?
    • Phantom Power (typically measured as 48Volts DC) is what’s used to power the inner pre-amp of condenser microphones which is why they need so little gain going out as compared to their dynamic cousins. That sensitivity comes at a cost of picking up a LOT of typical background noise that you might not even realize is there…until you have to figure out a way to get it out of your recording…which can be hard with occasional terrible results. Dynamic microphones don’t need or use Phantom Power, however it also won’t hurt them so if your interface or mixer has Phantom Power and it’s turned across every mic input, don’t worry. Your dynamic microphone will be fine. If you have a ribbon mic though it will be destroyed by Phantom Power. Those kinds of mics are really old school and expensive. They usually need pre-amps with a LOT of gain and unless you’re really into mics, don’t bother getting one.

Check out more of Guy’s content at
Twitter: @Macparrot or @vertshark
Patreon, Ko-fi, or all with /macparrot
Guy’s Podcasts: MyMac Podcast, Mac to the Future Livecast: Wednesday at 8PM EST on Facebook, and the weirdly wonderful Guy’s Daily Drive

Check the Apple Security Updates page to see if your Apple gear is up to date.

Elisa can be found at @senseidai or
Melissa can be found at @TheMacMommy or
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you click links on this site.)

Audio Link

GSE348 Shortcuts with Scott

Graphic by Melissa Davis

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Have you ever wanted a quicker or more automated way to do something with your iPhone? That would be a job for shortcuts and we found just the right geek to tell us all about them! In episode 348 of Geekiest Show Ever, Scott Willsey educates us on iOS Shortcuts: what they are, how they work, and why you might like to learn how to use them to craft your own. Follow us for additional tips and conversation on Twitter @GeekiestShow.

Apple’s Shortcuts User Guide

Data Jar is an app for storing shortcuts.

Heres is a link to the Reminders Backup example shortcut Scott made for us to follow along:

Use these settings to allow your device to work with shared shortcuts.

Learn more about Scott Willsey and check out where he podcasts over on BubbleSort Show.

Check the Apple Security Updates page to see if your Apple gear is up to date.

Elisa can be found at @senseidai or
Melissa can be found at @TheMacMommy or
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you click links on this site.)

Audio Link

GSE347 Remote Possibilities

Photo by Melissa Davis

Listen on Apple Podcasts

It’s Melissa’s birthday (by the time you hear this) AND it’s the LAST GSE of 2020! What a long year it’s been — good riddance! We’ve had to do a lot of adapting and it feels like there’s still sooo much more to overcome. In episode 347 of Geekiest Show Ever, we’ll discuss some of the ways we’ve used technology throughout the year to adapt and attempt to overcome some of the challenges this pandemic has thrown at us so far. Follow us for additional tips and conversation on Twitter @GeekiestShow

Check the Apple Security Updates page to see if your Apple gear is up to date.

My grandparents’ candlestick telephone was a very special gift I received for Christmas from my mother. There is a photo of it for our episode artwork. I played with this as a small child and it has a lot of special memories attached to it. I think these are the best kinds of gifts. Now it sets on my dining room hutch and I love to hear the sound of the rotary dial when the kids play with it. I think it’s what makes technology magical yet.

Reminders List Exports

I found out that in macOS Catalina, you can no longer export Reminders lists. If this has changed in Big Sur, I’ll be wanting to know, but as of yet, this script from Gary Rosenzweig of is the closest I’ve come to getting something I can work with. It involves some programming and use of the Automator app, but Gary is really good about explaining it in good detail. I was able to implement it and utilize it. My next goal will be to create an iOS Shortcut to try and work with the text it generates. My son likes creating shortcuts, so that’s always a little fun project for him and I to do together.

How To Copy Reminders In macOS Catalina with a Script:

Fitness Plus Preview

Elisa gives us her initial impressions on Fitness Plus as well as how to score a better deal on it.

Mac Hygiene

We all know how important it is to clean our hands, but how about cleaning your Mac? Check out this special on CleanMyMac X with my affiliate link.

Elisa can be found at @senseidai or
Melissa can be found at @TheMacMommy or
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you click links on this site.)

Audio Link

GSE346 Space Invaders

Photo by Sean Pierce on Unsplash

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Creating space and a little order among the chaos is our theme for Geekiest Show Ever episode 346. We talk about the devices and services we use to organize our data and enjoy our media. We’ll also discuss our initial impressions and how to troubleshoot some of the issues we encountered when we upgraded to the subscription service for 1Password. Follow us for additional tips and conversation on Twitter @GeekiestShow

Check the Apple Security Updates page to see if your Apple gear is up to date.

We’re doing our part to keep the economy going! Good sales are still happening so if you haven’t already, check out our previous episode show notes for gift ideas and links:

In an email to customers, 1Password announced a Thanksgiving sale for standalone license users and we finally decided to dig in. (See what I did there?) At the time of this post, you may still be able to get the great deal they offer on 1Password for Families. If you can find that email message, it provides a promotional link and explains how you can trade in the standalone license and pay nothing until September of next year. That’s a long enough time to evaluate whether or not you want to afford the $60 annual fee or cancel the trial and go back to using the standalone version. At any time, you can try it out free for 30 days:

One way to practice self care and carve out some space for yourself is by listening to podcasts, audiobooks, or music. Do you have “books on tape” (on CDs) that you forgot about? Now would be a good time to get them off the discs and into your music library. From there you can sync them to your Apple Watch or other wearable device and pair it with bluetooth headphones to give your phone some alone time.

Here are some great mental health podcasts:

Unlocking Us with Brené Brown:

Terrible,Thanks for Asking:

Hidden Brain:

Apple Watch SE

Accessories for AirPods Pro

AirPods Pro

Elisa can be found at @senseidai or
Melissa can be found at @TheMacMommy or
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you click links on this site.)

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GSE345 Geekiest Gift Guide

Photo by Phu Dinh on Unsplash

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Get those refresh buttons ready for Geekiest Show Ever 345 — it’s our annual Geekiest Gift Guide, just in time for the holiday sales season. Wacky Wednesday, Black Friday, Cyber Monday —who knows this year?! It seems the sales are going on each day that ends in Y. High-tech, low-tech, there’s bound to be something here for every one of the geeks in your life. We also share some tips that won’t cost you a dime and if you shop with our links, we’ll keep you safe at home and out of the line. Follow us for additional tips and conversation on Twitter @GeekiestShow

Check the Apple Security Updates page to see if your Apple gear is up to date.

Do you use 1Password version 7 on your Mac and wear an Apple Watch? Boy, do we have good news for you! (from iMore)

Disclosure: the link in our show notes is a referral code. If you join Scribd, you’ll get 60 days free and Elisa will get 30 days free. Price is $9.99/month for unlimited reading. Gift subscriptions are $50 for 6 months, or $100 for 1 year. Included in a Scribd subscription are some added benefits called Scribd Perks, including Pandora Plus. Keep an eye out for upcoming sales.

Right now they’re offering a buy one annual membership get one free deal, good until November 30, 2020. The gift recipient has one year to activate the gift. $180/year

Clutch V2
Clutch is a lightweight, credit card-sized portable battery. Easily carried in a wallet, tote, or purse. Regular price is $49.99, but it’s currently on sale for $39.99 with free shipping. See Elisa’s review on

GGMM D3 Battery Base for Dot 3rd Gen
Listener Clive Hammett suggested this WiFi speaker. The regular price is $29.99 and there is currently a 15% coupon that brings the price down and it’s exactly what Elisa is looking for. Thanks, Clive!

Heredis Passion Gift Set for Mac
As we talked about in great detail on episode 341, genealogy is all the rage. Ancestry will probably put their subscriptions on sale during the holidays. The best way to stay updated is to sign up for their emails. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for a Mac genealogy program, Heredis has their Passion Gift Set on sale, which Elisa is seriously considering. You’ll not only get the Heredis 2021 for Mac download, but you’ll get a 32GB flash drive and a Heredis mouse pad, with free delivery. If all you want is the software, it’s on sale for $23.99 in the Mac App Store or Heredis website.

Now is a good time to get in touch with loved ones virtually and work on your family tree over Zoom, FaceTime or your preferred video chat app. Here is the link to episode 341 where Elisa reviewed genealogy software and tips. As we predicted, MacFamilyTree 9 is currently on sale for 50% off.

Apple Watch SE: 40 mm Aluminum case (originally $279, look for sales as low as $229)

I am LOVING my new Apple Watch SE! Combined with the larger screen and Space Gray Aluminum case, the contrast really helps to make the display more readable. I debated on getting the Series 6, but when I weighed out all my options, I ultimately decided that it just was not worth the $120 extra (compared to the price of the SE model) for an Always-On Retina Display, ECG, and blood oxygen sensor. (Series 6 costs $399 for the base model.) I appreciate what Apple is trying to accomplish with their wearable tech, but for the time being, I’m going to stick with seeing a physician for my heart and lung health needs that extend beyond self-monitoring with the tools I already have and use.

In watchOS 7 you can now edit each of your activity goals. Apple Watch User Guide has the instructions.

Elastic Apple Watch Bands
Stretchy watch bands are so much easier for frequent hand-washing and also help those of us with metal allergies. I really love this band and design made by Zalaver. The other useful thing about stretchy bands is they are great for kids and people with small wrists. Since my youngest child was recently given an older hand-me-down watch, I got him this Cissden band in navy blue and it fits him well. What’s nice about this particular stretch band is that it has a strip of grippy-like silicone running down the center to keep it from sliding around. I paired it with a “sea blue” Easuny case protector and he really, really likes it. These bands and case covers would make for really great stocking stuffers. The case protectors come three in a pack so you can change the colors to suit your fashion tastes. I am really picky about screen protectors and these barely impact the touch-screen functionality so I’ve been really impressed with them.

Shared Audio
If you’re not quite ready to upgrade your Apple TV because you want to wait and see what goodies might still be in Apple’s pipeline, then install a TaoTronics Bluetooth 5.0 Transmitter in between your aging Apple TV HD and “dumb TV” to accomplish “shared audio.” It may not be quite as elegant as Apple’s implementation on Apple TV 4K, but for only around $30, it gets the job done with a few tweaks.
 If you happen to have have any spare bluetooth headsets laying around that maybe don’t have the best battery life, keep them paired to this tiny little transmitter that sets just under the TV. They’ll be fine for watching a few hours of TV when the kids go to bed.

AirPods Pro


• They definitely stay put. When I read reviews, it was rare that anyone complained about these not staying in their ears. For those who do have trouble, there are hooks you can add on to them that help keep them in.

• Stellar sound. I’m very picky about how things sound. I’m not necessarily an “audiophile” but I do struggle with audio processing at times, so it’s much more helpful when things sound crisp. There are custom settings you can adjust right on your iPhone to get just the kind of sound you want.

• The Spatial Audio feature is really amazing. Listening to shows on Apple TV+ with that feature is a real treat. I hope more media will have it soon.

• Noise cancellation is just: ahhhhhh. When I put them in and play some white noise, music or even just listen to a podcast on low volume, being able to cancel out the constant whirr of my busy household is a great way to reduce stress.

• Self care or adaptation, perhaps both. Wearing them helps me create my own space during quarantine where everyone is stuck sharing the same, small space. I feel it helps from feeling like the walls are caving in.

• Live Listen is an interesting feature that might let me hear better in noisy environments. I’m still putting this to the test and I think it will be even better when I upgrade my iPhone.

• Ear and hearing health awareness

• You always know where you stand when it comes to battery charge percentage for each AirPod and the case and can plan accordingly.


• After extended wear time, ear tip fit can be painful at first. I believe adjustments and tip replacements can help solve this over time. Everyone’s ears are different and fatigue is something to be aware of.

• Battery life is only around 4 hours and many might find that too little. I am learning that the initial shock of how fast they drain is mitigated by just how easy it is to keep them charged up.

• These things are tiny! Like, scary-tiny. For such a simplistic product, the hardest thing will be not dropping or losing one or both of them. Accessories like a charging case skin with a carabiner hook or lanyard will become a necessity to minimize loss.

Speaking of Health: iHealth No-Touch Forehead Thermometer Digital Infrared Thermometer for Adults and Kids, Touchless Baby Thermometer with 3 Ultra-sensitive Sensors, Large LED Display and Gentle Vibration Alert (PT3)

Let There Be Light

Vekkia Amber Rechargeable 7 Led Eye-Care Book Light,Blue Light Blocking Reading Light,3 Levels,1600K for Strain-Free, Healthy Eyes.Up to 70 Hours Reading.Perfect Gift for Bookworms.
 I got two of these and they are fantastic!

Gravity Electric Pepper Grinder or Salt Grinder Mill – Battery Operated Automatic Pepper Mill with White Light, One Handed Operation, Adjustable Coarseness, Stainless Steel by AmuseWit

Sewing Machine Light – LED Light Strip for Sewing Machine with Touch Dimmer and USB Power (11.8 inch,18 LEDs)

“Technical” Support

Get a bit more life out of that older iPhone with a 
Wixann Battery Case for iPhone 6/6s/7/8/SE 2020 Upgraded 3000mAh Slim Portable Charging Case Rechargeable Extended Charger Case for Apple iPhone 6/6s/7/8/SE 2020

VIVO Black Universal Clamp-on Adjustable Armrest, Desk Cradle Rotating Elbow Cushion, Above Table Extension Platform Arm Support, MOUNT-ARM01

Aduro Solid-Grip iPad Stand Holder 360 Adjustable Universal Gooseneck Lazy Tablet Stand for Desk – Swivel Durable Rubberized Video Mount for Recording Holder (Black)

Check out Wirecutter for additional product reviews and sales when comparing products.

Elisa can be found at @senseidai or
Melissa can be found at @TheMacMommy or
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you click links on this site.)

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