As usual this week we start off talking about the weather but this must have angered the weather gods because Elisa got knocked off the podcast shortly afterwards due to power failure. But Mike and Melissa soldier on talking about password managers, specifically 1Password and Lastpass. They discuss prices, features and ease of use.
For our picks Melissa cheated and picked a $50 Apple gift card to pay for 1Password. If Elisa would’ve been here she would’ve picked a Keurig Mini. And Mike picked a Wicked Bone Smart Bone to entertain his dog.
Mike can be found at http://twitter.com/dscchipman or about.me/mikemcpeek
Elisa can be found at http://twitter.com/senseidai or www.threegeekyladies.com
Melissa can be found at http://twitter.com/themacmommy or www.themacmommy.com