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– Mark discusses Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes and why he feels it doesn’t qualify as a Planet Of The Apes franchise movie. Books discussed in this episode include: Harry Tutledove Alternative History books, Fingerprints of the Gods, By Graham Hancock, and The Complete Historically Brewed, By David Greelish. Do we live in multiple dimensions of existence? Mark is Anti-Social, Kevin doesn’t believe it…but it’s true! Movies referenced include: Duel, Star Wars, Star Trek (2009), Jurassic Park, and Kenny. Does movie soundtracks make emotional connections and therefore influence the likes or dislikes of a film? Kevin tears Michael Moore a new one! We then discuss is it appropriate to create films, documentaries, mocumentaries or any other form of media which makes light entertainment of natural and man made disasters. Kevin was fortunate enough to watch the Space Shuttle Discovery being moved to a location near his office. Video of this can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lt-ytIjrHI
Mark Greentree can be found at www.everydaymacsupport.com/ and can also be found on Twitter with username: https://twitter.com/EverydayMac Kevin can be found at http://about.me/
Kevin Allder and can also be found on Twitter with username: http://twitter.com/Big_in_VA.
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